Recover Your Identity After a Narcissistic Relationship

Apply for my 12-week, group coaching program and journey
with me and about 12 other participants to: 

  • Find healing, freedom, and confidence;
  • Set healthy boundaries while keeping your peace;
  • Recover your God-given identity;
  • Align with God’s vision and move forward with your life;
  • Connect with others who understand the isolation, pain, confusion, manipulation, gaslighting;
  • And much, much more...

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 "Shaneen is one of the wisest individuals I have encountered in terms of understanding narcissism. While there are many other therapists out there, her inclusion of the spiritual component has truly solidified the healing process for me."

- Clara, USA

This Program Is for You If:

  • You are preparing to leave, or have already left a narcissistic relationship,

  • You have reduced your interactions with the narcissist to either low contact or no contact,
  • You want to heal and reclaim your identity after the ending of a narcissistic relationship.

What's Included

Group Coaching

You will be part of an intimate cohort of approximately a dozen other women/men* who are on a similar journey to you. We meet together biweekly to discuss what you have been learning, to celebrate your victories, get coaching where you are stuck, and support one another. These calls are recorded and yours to review as often as you need to.

Weekly Teaching

Every week you will receive Biblically-based teaching modules complete with God and guide you through applying the teachings to your life directly. This material is yours for life. Each week builds on the last to give you the knowledge and perspective you need to understand narcissism from God’s perspective and reclaim your God-given identity. This material is yours for life.

Private Hidden Online Group

Not only do you get access to me in this group, this is the safe place where the women/men* in your cohort come together to tell their stories, share their wins, support one another, ask for prayer, share resources, and find others who have been through startlingly similar scenarios. This is one of the most vibrant and powerful aspects of the 12 weeks.  

*You'll be placed in a small group of 12-15 other participants of the same gender; men with men, women with women.

Meet Your Coach:  Shaneen Megji


Most people know me through my Youtube channel, “Toxicity is Not Your Destiny,” where I tackle the difficult topic of narcissism from a Biblical, practical, and spiritual perspective.

It seems my whole life has prepared me to do the work I am so passionate about today. Let’s just say I had to swim in narcissistic waters for many years, in workplace scenarios, in my previous faith as a Muslim, in friendships, and even in the church.

I’ve had to navigate numerous difficult transitions as a result, from losing my closest friends, my job, and even my entire community. Through these challenges, God led me on an amazing journey of healing and study.

In the darkest days of loneliness, confusion, rumination, and rejection after being discarded by a narcissist, I scoured every resource I could find for a biblical understanding of narcissism. Hardly anything existed. Creating such resources became my goal. I knew I was not alone in suffering from narcissistic relationships, and I wanted to help as many people as I could.  

 In addition to my life experience, my studies also have served me as I have sought to provide help to others. I hold an undergraduate degree in psychology, a religious education degree majoring in pastoral studies, and a Master's degree in Leadership. (My thesis was called: “Time to Leave? Toxic Leadership in Ministry from a Biblical Perspective.”)

I am a certified life coach, a trained dream interpretation instructor, and served for a season as a licensed minister. Before my career in coaching and teaching on my Youtube channel, I was also a human resources advisor for 17 years.    
God truly doesn’t waste anything. Each and every experience and all the studies I have done help me in my passion to set people free from the bondage and oppression of narcissistic relationships, to help survivors of such pain regain their authentic selves and their hope in God’s good plans for them, and to re-educate the church around toxic leadership.

My clients say I am a great listener, empathetic, knowledgeable, warm, and compassionate. My friends know that, while I am super hard-working, I am a contemplative who loves leisurely walks and “staycations” on my porch (with a coffee, a pile of good books, and my journal.) If I’m not home, though, you’ll likely find me exploring cultures and landscapes by traveling to new countries or exploring multi-ethnic cities with close friends.

What Others in the Coaching Program are Saying:

(The testimonies below are from participants of the program, however, their names and avatars have been changed to protect their identities. The avatars  represent the ages and diversity of women in the program.)


I can’t even begin to say what a relief it is to be in a group coaching environment with Shaneen and other women who have experienced the chaos and destruction of life with a narcissist. With these women, I don’t have to explain the craziness that is so hard to articulate to people in normal relationships. I don’t have to justify myself or wonder if I am crazy. Shaneen gives us such sound, biblical teachings, and powerful exercises to help us heal and move forward as the truly vibrant and beautiful daughters of God that we were created to be. I honestly do not think I would have been able to navigate this last season of separation without Shaneen in my corner. The resources she has given me, the mind-clearing insights she has shared, and her compassionate, reassuring presence have been nothing short of life-saving for me. Anyone exiting or healing from a narcissistic relationship would benefit from participating in her group coaching program. I wholeheartedly recommend this gold mine. It is the best investment you could make in yourself and your healing.


Throughout the entire 12-week journey, I found myself holding back tears. It's truly amazing how God connected me with Shaneen, starting with her YouTube videos. I remember praying to the Lord, expressing my desire to meet her and talk to her. When we finally connected on the phone, I couldn't believe it was happening. Every week of the program, I felt God speaking deeply into my spirit, healing my brokenness. I lacked self-compassion and struggled to love myself. Though I knew God loved me, I didn't know how to fully embrace it. That's where Shaneen and the program modules came in. They helped me not only receive God's love but also learn how to give it back. Now, I find myself in a good place. My greatest takeaway from this program is discovering self-compassion and realizing my own value and importance. Despite the damage caused by the three narcissists I've encountered, this program has rejuvenated my faith and self-esteem. It has taught me that I am important, loved by God, and that I have a purpose.


What an extraordinary blessing the modules have been for me. I've been actively using them, even as recently as now.  I'm applying everything I've learned from the program. I'm determined to avoid repeating past mistakes and finding myself in unhealthy situations again. This program has truly been transformative, and I'm eagerly looking forward to continuing my journey, fully embracing and embodying the lessons I've learned. I no longer want to find myself in the troubled waters that have consumed so much of my life. Lastly, I want to express my immense gratitude for the connections I've made within this group. I value these connections and look forward to staying in touch.


I have been trapped in a cycle of trauma and negativity for a long time. Words cannot adequately express how profoundly helpful the entire module has been for me. From the insightful writings to the shared experiences, every aspect has made a significant impact. I am immensely grateful for everything all the members in the group have contributed to my life - the invaluable nuggets of truth and wisdom. I have gained more than I can put into words. Each and every one of the women in the group played a part in creating a supportive and loving community. Their friendship, support, prayers, and love have been a true blessing in my life.


Everything about this program was amazing: the modules were so informative, the scriptures were spot on, and the exercises helped me not to keep everything in my head. 

The group calls were my favorite part of the program and such a Godsend! The atmosphere of transparency, gentleness, and compassion that Shaneen created allowed me to be comfortable to open up. After being left unheard in a narcissistic relationship, Shaneen’s listening and everyone being so kind and respectful were so encouraging. 

While I mentally knew a lot of my issues before the program, now I understand how to deal with them in a Biblical way. I’m reassured that narcissistic behavior is not okay with God and that He sees my heart to be in the Kingdom and doesn’t judge me for my decision not to remain in an abusive marriage. 

I don’t want this program to end!


After the end of my relationship, life was a whirlwind and full of confusion. Being part of this course calmed the storm and enabled my mind to clear so that I now can see and make decisions from a place of being grounded and understanding what is going on. 

The whole program was amazing, but the two things that benefitted me most were the teachings and the group coaching calls. The teaching was so rich and dense, well organized and thoughtful. I’m so grateful for the depth and breadth of study that Shaneen shared with us.

The calls helped me to know I am not alone. Being part of a community of women who really understand my situation was so strengthening and affirming. I also appreciated Shaneen’s transparency and willingness to share her life story. 

If you are even slightly considering this program, do it. And if you aren't considering it, change your mind. It changed my life. Any Christian woman who has suffered in a narcissistic relationship would benefit enormously from participating.


I truly believe that this program will have the greatest impact on my life compared to anything I've ever done before – any Bible study or any other endeavor. It has already proven to be the most influential experience I've had so far.


This program has been one of the most meaningful experiences in my life, leaving a significant impact on me. Each module has played a role in transforming my journey. Through this program, the Lord has helped me release my need for specific outcomes and instead enjoy the journey of getting to know Him. This part of my journey, getting to know Him better, is priceless, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. It has allowed me to walk in the spirit and overcome the desires of the flesh. Rather than feeling the pressure to have everything figured out, I've learned to be present in each moment with Him.

Additionally, the module on aligning new relationships held great significance for me. For a long time, I lacked meaningful connections, and being part of this group has been a tremendous blessing. Here, every woman understands without needing explanations. We can share and talk openly, fostering a sense of belonging. That level of understanding has been incredibly meaningful to me.


When I joined the program, I was feeling very stuck and frustrated, unsure of how to move forward. This program has helped me through the forgiveness I really needed, both for the narcissist and for myself. I realized that was a crucial step for my healing. Through this process, even though I still feel a burden on my shoulders, our compassionate Lord is right there with me and has shown me a vision. I’m so excited now and full of hope! He has perfect timing.

There were so many points that Shaneen covered in the modules and exercises including things I had not even considered. These made the program very worth its value. The modules and exercises covered in the program have been eye-opening, offering insights I hadn't even considered before. The program's content was well-thought-out and easy to follow. Sometimes the journaling prompts just stared back at me, but once I started writing I wrote and wrote and wrote. It was in those moments of reflection that many "aha" moments occurred, which I may not have experienced otherwise. Personally, as a faith-filled woman, however, the spiritual aspect of the program was the best part.

Overall, this program has been incredibly valuable and enriching. The program has been totally worth it and incredibly rich!


Frequently Asked Questions: