Shaneen Megji

Certified Coach & Christian Counselor

Most people know me through my Youtube channel, “Toxicity is Not Your Destiny,” where I tackle the difficult topic of narcissism from a Biblical, practical, and spiritual perspective.

It seems my whole life has prepared me to do the work I am so passionate about today. Let’s just say I had to swim in narcissistic waters for many years, in workplace scenarios, in my previous faith as a Muslim, in friendships, and even in the church.

I’ve had to navigate numerous difficult transitions as a result, from losing my closest friends, my job, and even my entire community. Through these challenges, God led me on an amazing journey of healing and study. In the darkest days of loneliness, confusion, rumination, and rejection after being discarded by a narcissist, I scoured every resource I could find for a biblical understanding of narcissism. Hardly anything existed. Creating such resources became my goal. I knew I was not alone in suffering from narcissistic relationships, and I wanted to help as many people as I could.  

 In addition to my life experience, my studies also have served me as I have sought to provide help to others. I hold an undergraduate degree in psychology, a religious education degree majoring in pastoral studies, and two Master's degrees, one in Christian Counseling and the other in Leadership of Ministry. (My thesis was called: “Time to Leave? Toxic Leadership in Ministry from a Biblical Perspective.”)

I am a certified life coach & Christian counselor, a trained dream interpretation instructor, and served for a season as a licensed minister. Before my career in coaching and teaching on my Youtube channel, I was also a human resources advisor for 17 years.    

God truly doesn’t waste anything. Each and every experience and all the studies I have done help me in my passion to set people free from the bondage and oppression of narcissistic relationships, to help survivors of such pain regain their authentic selves and their hope in God’s good plans for them, and to re-educate the church around toxic leadership.

My clients say I am a great listener, empathetic, knowledgeable, warm, and compassionate. My friends know that, while I am super hard-working, I am a contemplative who loves leisurely walks and “staycations” on my porch (with a coffee, a pile of good books, and my journal.) If I’m not home, though, you’ll likely find me exploring cultures and landscapes by traveling to new countries or exploring multi-ethnic cities with close friends.

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7 Red Flags to Spot a Narcissist by Shaneen Megji

This eBook is one of Shaneen Megji's most popular publications available as a free download. Inside of this eBook, you will learn:

  • How to tell the difference between a person with their human faults and a narcissist.
  • How to put your finger on the warning signs of a too-good-to-be-true relationship.
  • How to spot toxic patterns in any relationship: romantic, professional, romantic, or platonic.